保罗.安卡(Paul Anka)灰姑娘(辛德莱拉)(Cinderella)简介
佚名 网络保罗.安卡(Paul Anka) 1941年生于加拿大渥太华(Ottawa)。曾经是青春偶像,后来成功转型,以身兼演唱、作曲和制作的扎实功力成为热门音乐史上最具才华的杰出艺人之一。与另一位永恒的偶像·猫王艾维斯(Elvis Presley)齐名。十二岁时,具有音乐天赋的Paul Anka即上台演出,并在其父亲的资助下完成了生平第一首歌曲《坦白》。由RPM公司于1956年发行了他的第一张专辑。发行专辑后的保罗得到了ABC公司知名制作人Don Costa的青睐并签下和约。当时的保罗为一比自己年长的女子所倾倒,并为她写下了《Diana》一曲,经ABC发行后大受好评,曾在排行榜上雄居18个礼拜之外,在全球引起极大的反响,并取代Debbie Reynold的Tammy而成为排行榜的第一名。凭着《Diana》破900万张的销售记录,Paul在一夜之间成了家喻户晓的明星;干净的外表、爽朗的笑容使他迅速成为六、七十年代全球青少年的偶像。而后数十年一路扶摇直上,凭借其天赋的作曲奇才以及不懈的努力,叱咤流行乐界至今。
他的歌曲《i love you baby》作为很多求婚快闪选用的歌曲。
Cinderella cinderella, pretty pretty pretty cinderella
It's late now
While your lips were kissin' mine
I forgot to watch the time
And i'm sorry
Cinderella cinderella, pretty pretty pretty cinderella
I promise
Promised we'd be home on time
I bet cha done think
It was just a line
Twelve o'clock, twelve o'clock
Was what we bargained for
What are we gonna tell your mom and dad
When we're at your front door
Cinderella cinderella, pretty pretty pretty cinderella
Have faith now
I am sure the one above
Will preserve our lasting love
It's late now
I promise
Twelve o'clock, twelve o'clock
Was what we bargained for
Now what do i tell
Your mother and dad
When were at your front door
Oh cinderella cindrella, pretty pretty cinderella
Have faith now
I am sure the one above
Will preserve our lasting love
Whoa such a oretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty cinderella