凯尔特女人(Celtic Woman)蝴蝶(The Butterfly)简介
佚名 网络凯尔特女人乐队(Celtic Woman),是流行乐史上实力最强大的组合之一。乐队由身兼音乐总监、指挥、作曲及编曲者四项身份的大卫·唐恩领军,以四位爱尔兰歌手克萝伊、莉莎、梅芙、欧拉及一位小提琴手玛莉,还有06年刚加入的新西兰籍巨星Hayley Westenra所组成的超级团体,她们融合了莎拉布莱曼、美声男伶、恩雅、居尔特男高音、易希等人特色,结合了新世纪、古典、传统凯尔特乐风与爱尔兰一派等的音乐戏剧式演出风格,为全球乐迷创造了视听双效的全新选择。
The Butterfly
This evening the moon dreams more lazily
As some fair woman lost in cushions deep
With gentle hand caresses listlessly
The contour of her breasts before she sleeps
On velvet backs of avalanches soft
She often lies enraptured as she dies
And gazes on white visions aloft
Which like a blossoming to heaven rise
When sometimes on this globe in indolence
She lets a secret tear drop down by chance
A poet set against oblivion
Takes in his hand this pale and furtive tear
This opal drop where rainbow hues appear
And hides it in his breast far from the sun