古琴中英文详解/Guqinin Chineseand English
佚名 网络古琴,又称瑶琴、玉琴、丝桐和七弦琴,是中国的传统乐器,至少有三千年历史。古籍记载伏羲作琴,又有神农作琴、黄帝造琴、唐尧造琴等传说;舜定琴为五弦,文王增一弦,武王伐纣又增一弦为七弦;可见古琴文化的源远流长,博大精深。
古琴中英文详解 Guqinin Chineseand English
The Guqin
佚名 《重屏抚琴图》
古琴中英文详解 Guqinin Chineseand English
古琴,又称中国七弦琴,为中国最古老的弹拨乐器之一, 有文字可考的历史有三千余年。
Guqin, It is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family with a history of more than 3000 years.
Guqin has traditionally been favored by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement. Guqin has always been viewed as the first place among the four Chinese high culture activities such as Guqin,go Chess, calligraphy and painting.
古琴中英文详解 Guqinin Chineseand English
Symbolism in the Guqin
There are a lot of symbols around this instrument About China.
Guqin’s measurement line is 3 feet 65 inches representing the 365 days in a year. The top part is round representing the sky. The bottom part is flat, representing the earth. The whole body of the Guqin correspond the body of phoenix which is a bird of wonder, also the body of Guqin looks like the human body, with head, neck, shoulder, waist and feet etc.
自魏晋时古琴的表面便设置了十三个琴徽。 即琴弦外侧镶嵌了十三个用贝壳或者金、银、玉石、珍珠做成点,称作“徽”,表明泛音位置,提示按弦。十三徽分别象征十二月,而居中最大之徽代表君象征闰月。
There are 13 stars/markers representing the 13 month of Chinese lunar year. The stars/markers are filled in the Guqin with shells or gold, silver, jade, pearl make point, called the "Hui” (emblem) to indicate the sound position. The biggest Hui (star/marker) representing the lunar month.
There are 7 strings in of Guqin. The first 5 in pentatonic scale representing 5 elements Metal, wood, water, fire and the earth. The 6 string was added by King Wen when his son was died. So the 6 string is sorrowful. The 7 string was added by King Wu when he encourage his soldiers go to the war.
The Guqin produce the most diligent and subtle tones. There are 3 category sounds produced by the Guqin. Harmonics is representing the sound from the Heaven. Open Strings is representing the sound from the earth. Stopped string is representing the Human Beings.