英国双簧管演奏家(Alison Teale)简介
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Alison Teale 现任英国BBC 交响乐团的英国管首席,近期她在着手一项旨在丰富英国管演奏曲目,进一步推动该乐器发展的音乐项目。
Guildhall 音乐学院学习期间曾任香港爱乐乐团的双簧管首席。2003 年曾她来到加迪夫任威尔士BBC 交响乐团英国管首席。2001 年怀特岛国际双簧管大赛大奖得主,多次在BBC 电台演奏双簧管协奏曲。
此外Alison Teale 在Guildhall 音乐学院任双簧管教授,与英国及国际多个交响乐团演奏独奏,室内乐和交响作品,并多次受邀在英国及欧洲各地举办大师班。
Alison Teale 使用法国Loree 皇家125 双簧管,Etoile 双簧管和皇家英国管。
Alison is the Principal Cor Anglais player with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. She is currently embarking on an exciting project which aims to expand the Cor Anglais repertoire and bring the instrument to the fore.
Whilst studying at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Alison was appointed Co Principal Oboe with the Hong Kong Philharmonic orchestra. In 2003 she moved to Cardiff to become the Principal Cor Anglais player for the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.
Winning the Isle of Wight International Oboe competition in 2001 led to her Purcell Room debut and numerous concertos for BBC radio 3 broadcasts, notably Quiet City with Alison Balsom and Spaghetti Western with BBC NOW.
In addition to her career with the BBC Symphony orchestra she is an oboe professor at Guildhall School of Music, freelances with both British and International orchestras,performs solo and chamber recitals and is regularly asked to give masterclasses throughout the UK and Europe.