德国双簧管演奏家(Katharina Hörmann)简介
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克里斯多夫·哈特曼1965 年出生于德国兰茨贝格,10岁开始接触双簧管,两年后他正式随Georg Fischer教授在哈格斯堡音乐学院学习双簧管演奏。在那时他便显示出了无尽演奏才能,能很轻松的驾驭各种高难度的演奏技巧。随后他于1984年跟随Günther Passin继续深造,1991年在他最后一个学期完成前,他已作为演奏家身份进入斯图加特交响乐团,并与第二年考入柏林爱乐乐团。他在慕尼黑取得了双簧管独奏和室内乐双硕士学位。克里斯多夫获得过法国土伦、瑞士日内瓦以及东京的比赛大奖。他最近多次作为独奏家展演于欧洲,亚洲,南美和美国。他和热爱室内乐的音乐家们建立了“兰茨贝格夏季音乐节”。“柏林组合”也由此艺术节而形成,进行了全国乃至世界的巡演。克里斯多夫曾在许多国际音乐节上演出,如威尔斯堡的莫扎特节日,斯塔万格国际室内乐音乐节和挪威Vinterfestspill I Bergstaden 音乐节。
克里斯多夫·哈特曼在双簧管乐曲发掘方面也做出了很大的贡献。意大利著名作曲家帕斯库里的几个手稿就是克里斯多夫·哈特曼先生从意大利图书馆中发现,并经他演奏出版重现于世。2007 年由EMI 发行的意大利幻想专辑,收录了安东尼奥·帕斯库里的一些歌剧改编选段。2008 年四月,克里斯多夫的第二张专辑“贝拉·纳波利”被格莱美留声机杂志评选获奖。同时他和柏林组合也录制了多张唱片。
克里斯多夫 哈特曼使用的里古塔双簧管。
The oboe is, for Christoph Hartmann the perfect instrument to act out his passion for music.
Born in Landsberg am Lech in 1965, he studied under Georg Fischer before continuing his studies under Prof. Günther Passin at a Academy of Music in Munich. He graduated with a Postgraduate Diploma in Performance in oboe and chamber music.
Chritoph Hartmann has won several prizes at international competitions in Toulon, Genf and Tokio. His first engagement with the Stuttgart Philharmonic was followed shortly by a seat with the Berlin Philharmonic in 1992. He currently tours on a regular basis as a soloist across Europe, Asia,
South America and the USA. Following his distinctive love for chamber music, he founded together with musical colleagues the Festival “Landsberger Sommermusiken”.Through this festival the “Ensemble Berlin” has formed, which tours extensively nationally and internationally.
His passion and commitment with chamber music is bringing him to perform with celebrated artists, like Henning Kraggerud, Peter Wispelwey, Kathryn Stott, Shai Wosner, Gerhard Oppitz and many others. He has performed in several international festivals, the Mozartfest in Wurzburg, the Stavanger International Chamber Music Festival and the Vintefestspill I Bergstaden in Röros (Norway). 2015 Christoph Hartmann was artistic director of the Vinterfestspill I Bergstaden in Norway and will continu this work in 2018.
The cd Fantasia Italiana dedicated to the opera paraphrases by Antonio Pasculli, presented in 2007 by EMI worldwide,received important responses from critics and audience. In April 2008, EMI released a second recording with Christoph Hartmann as soloist, Bella Napoli that received the Editor's Choice Award 2008 of the Grammophone magazine. In the meantime Hartmann recorded several Cds as a Soloist as well with the Ensemble Berlin.
Christoph Hartmann plays on a Rigoutat oboe.