【巴哈百分百】全集免费下载|100 Best Bach(M4A,FLAC)两版本
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(M4A,FLAC)两版本 | |
序号: | 14 |
中文名: | 巴哈百分百 |
英文名: | 100 Best Bach |
解压密码: | qiyuexuexi.com |
版本一 | |
格式: | M4A |
大小: | 943 MB |
下载地址: | 百度网盘 |
提取密码: | 5w22 |
版本二 | |
格式: | FLAC |
大小: | 2.31 GB |
下载地址: | 百度网盘 |
提取密码: | kd99 |
《百代百分百系列全集》下载目录 |
This 6CD collection features music from one of the greatest composers of all time including: the Brandenburg Concertos, Toccata & Fugue, Suite No. 1 for cello and many many more.
Bach 100 Best is a broad survey of the music of J.S. Bach, drawn from the master's choral works, concertos, keyboard pieces, and other compositions that are regarded as his greatest music. Bearing in mind that these selections date from the late decades of the 20th century, there is some reason to be concerned over the age of the recordings and the slight variability of sound quality, which is inevitable in a six-disc collection. However, the preponderance of historically informed performances by leaders in the field of early music and the extremely high quality of the playing make other considerations small. The list of works sampled here include the Mass in B minor, the cantatas, the St. John Passion, the St. Matthew Passion, the Brandenburg Concertos, the violin concertos, the orchestral suites, the Goldberg Variations, the cello suites, and other pieces that have long been the most popular of Bach's oeuvre. EMI's roster of artists includes Jordi Savall, Ton Koopman, Gustav Leonhardt, Fabio Biondi, Monica Huggett, Christian Tetzlaff, Lionel Rogg, Elizabeth Wallfisch, Andrew Parrott, Jonathan Rees, Ralph Kirshbaum, Bob van Asperen, and several other distinguished performers, so this is a fine introduction to both Bach's music and the excellent musicians represented here.
Disc 1 "The sacred genius of Bach" 巴哈的圣乐天才
01. Mass in B Minor 01.-05. b小调弥撒BWV 232(五个乐章)
02. Mass in B Minor
03. Mass in B Minor
04. Mass in B Minor
05. Mass in B Minor
06. Cantata BWV147 "Herz und mund und tat und leben" 第147号清唱剧“以心、口、行为和生命”——圣咏段:耶稣,世人期待的喜悦
07. Cantata BWV51 "Jauchzet Gott in allen landen" 第51号清唱剧“诸土皆当称颂神”——咏叹调:诸土皆当称颂神
08. Cantata BWV82A "Ich habe genug" 第82号清唱剧“我已饱足”——咏叹调:我已饱足
09. Magnificat BWV243 09.-10. 感恩赞歌BWV 243——合唱团与咏叹调
10. Magnificat BWV243
11. Christmas oratorio 11.-12. 圣诞神剧BWV 248——圣咏段与咏叹调
12. Christmas oratorio
13. St. John Passion 13.-15. 圣约翰受难曲BWV 245——圣咏段、清唱剧与合唱段
14. St. John Passion
15. St. John Passion
16. Cantata BWV78 "Jesu, der du meine seele" 第78号清唱剧“耶稣,你是我的灵魂”——二重唱:我们危危颤颤小心翼翼地快步行进
17. Cantata BWV106 "Gottes zeit ist die allerbeste zeit" 17.-18. 第106号清唱剧“主的时机是最好的时机”——小奏鸣曲、合唱段:主的时机是最好的时机
18 Cantata BWV106 "Gottes zeit ist die allerbeste zeit"
Disc 2 "Bach the church musician" 教会音乐家巴哈
01. St. Matthew Passion 01.-04. 马太受难曲BWV 244(咏叹调、圣咏段、咏叹调、合唱段)
02. St. Matthew Passion
03. St. Matthew Passion
04. St. Matthew Passion
05. Easter Oratorio 复活节神剧BWV 249——合唱段:来吧,加快你的脚步
06. "Hunt" Cantata BWV208 狩猎清唱剧BWV 208“我唯一的乐趣就是狩猎”——咏叹调:我唯一的乐趣就是狩猎
07. Cantata BWV140 "Wachet auf, ruft uns die stimme" 第104号清唱剧“留神啊,声音在呼唤”——合唱段:留神啊
08. "Nun komm der heiden heiland" Chorale BWV659 08.-10. d小调触技曲与赋格曲BWV 565
09. Toccata & Fugue in D Minor BWV565
10. Toccata & Fugue in D Minor BWV565
11. Concerto in A Minor BWV582 11.-13. a小调协奏曲BWV 593(改编自韦瓦第)
12. Concerto in A Minor BWV582
13. Concerto in A Minor BWV582
14. Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor BWV582 c小调帕萨卡格利亚舞曲与赋格曲BWV 582
Disc 3 "Bach the impresario" 担任乐团指导的巴哈
01. Orchestral suite No.3 01.-03. D大调第三号管弦乐组曲BWV 1068
02. Orchestral suite No.3
03. Orchestral suite No.3
04. Concerto for two violins 04.-06. d小调双小提琴协奏曲BWV 1043
05. Concerto for two violins
06. Concerto for two violins
07. Orchestral suite No.2 07.-08. b小调第二号管弦乐组曲BWV 1067
08. Orchestral suite No.2
09. Brandemburg Concerto No.4 09.-11. G大调第四号布兰登堡协奏曲BWV 1049
10. Brandemburg Concerto No.4
11. Brandemburg Concerto No.4
12. Keyboard Concerto in F Minor BWV1056 12.-14. f小调大键琴协奏曲BWV 1056
13. Keyboard Concerto in F Minor BWV1056
14. Keyboard Concerto in F Minor BWV1056
15. The Musical Offering 音乐奉献BWV 1079——六声部无插入式赋格
Disc 4 "The dazzling concertos of Bach" 眩目的巴哈协奏曲
01. Brandemburg Concerto No.2 01.-03. F大调第二号布兰登堡协奏曲BWV 1047(全曲)
02. Brandemburg Concerto No.2
03. Brandemburg Concerto No.2
04. Concerto for violin & oboe BWV1060 04.-06. c小调小提琴与双簧管协奏曲BWV 1060(全曲)
05. Concerto for violin & oboe BWV1060
06. Concerto for violin & oboe BWV1060
07. Concerto for four harpsichord 07.-09. a小调四大键琴协奏曲BWV 1065(全曲)
08. Concerto for four harpsichord
09. Concerto for four harpsichord
10. Brandemburg Concerto No.3 10.-11. G大调第三号布兰登堡协奏曲BWV 1048(全曲)
11. Brandemburg Concerto No.3
12. Violin concerto in A Minor BWV1041 12.-14. a小调小提琴协奏曲BWV 1041(全曲)
13. Violin concerto in A Minor BWV1041
14. Violin concerto in A Minor BWV1041
15. Brandemburg Concerto No.5 15.-17. D大调第五号布兰登堡协奏曲BWV 1050(全曲)
16. Brandemburg Concerto No.5
17. Brandemburg Concerto No.5
Disc 5 "Bach the chamber musician" 室内音乐家的巴哈
01. Flute partita BWV1013 a小调无伴奏长笛组曲BWV 1013
02. Sonata for viola da gamba & harpsichord BWV1029 02.-04. 古大提琴奏鸣曲BWV 1029(全曲)
03. Sonata for viola da gamba & harpsichord BWV1029
04. Sonata for viola da gamba & harpsichord BWV1029
05. Italian Concerto BWV971 05.-07. 义大利协奏曲BWV 971(全曲)
06. Italian Concerto BWV971
07. Italian Concerto BWV971
08. Violin partita No.2 BWV1004 - Chaconne d小调第二号无伴奏小提琴组曲BWV 1004——第五乐章:夏康舞曲
09. Cello suite No.1 G大调第一号无伴奏大提琴组曲BWV 1007——第一乐章:前奏曲
10. Cello suite No.3 10-11. C大调第三号无伴奏大提琴组曲BWV 1009——第四、六乐章
11. Cello suite No.3
12. Suite for 'Lautenwerk' BWV996 12.-14. e小调鲁特琴组曲BWV 996——第四——六乐章
13. Suite for 'Lautenwerk' BWV996
14. Suite for 'Lautenwerk' BWV996
15. Keyboard partita No.1 15.-20. 降B大调大键琴组曲BWV 825(全曲)
16. Keyboard partita No.1
17. Keyboard partita No.1
18. Keyboard partita No.1
19. Keyboard partita No.1
20. Keyboard partita No.1
Disc 6 "Bach The Virtuoso" 超技的巴哈
01. Violin partita No.3 01.-02. E大调第三号无伴奏小提琴组曲BWV 1006——第一到第四乐章
02. Violin partita No.3
03. The well-tempered clavier 03.-04. 平均律曲集(第一册第三号前奏曲与赋格曲、第二册第十四号前奏曲与赋格曲)
04. The well-tempered clavier
05. Chromatic Fantasia & Fugue 05.-06. d小调半音阶幻想曲与赋格BWV 903
06. Chromatic Fantasia & Fugue
07. Flute sonata BWV1031 07.-09. 降E大调长笛奏鸣曲BWV 1031(全曲)
08. Flute sonata BWV1031
09. Flute sonata BWV1031
10. Goldberg variations 郭德堡变奏曲BWV 988——主题
11. Sonata for violin & basso continuo BWV1023 11.-13. 小提琴奏鸣曲BWV 1023(前三乐章)
12. Sonata for violin & basso continuo BWV1023
13. Sonata for violin & basso continuo BWV1023
14. Toccata, Adagio & Fugue BWV564 14.-16. C大调管风琴触技、慢板与赋格曲BWV 564
15. Toccata, Adagio & Fugue BWV564
16. Toccata, Adagio & Fugue BWV564