艾莉森·克劳斯(Alison Krauss)这么久了,真的错了(So Long, So Wrong)简介
佚名 网络 So Long, So Wrong
I know I'll be lonesome
That brings about a little fear
I know I'll be sad and I'll be blue
I have given the best of me
When I forgot to say to you
What you forgot to say to me
So long, so wrong
I have tried and cared, baby
it was never enough
In your mind I never had a clue
So I'll repave the same old road I'm on
Where I forgot to say to you
What you forgot to say to me
So long, so wrong
Did we take forever in vain
Into the past
Did we think forever was really gonna last
You have tired me with your wanting ways
You can't buy yourself to be complete
I have given up caring anymore
Once you were big in a world that's small
And now you're all alone
Have we taken forever in vain
Into the past
Did we think forever was really gonna last
Alison Krauss 是当今美国兰草音乐的领军者,“兰草音乐”(Blue Grass)是美国民间音乐的一种,从上世纪二十年代出现并开始发展,在新世纪里未显丝毫颓败之势,因Alison 这样优秀兰草歌手的不断革新,使兰草音乐焕发出更为迷人的气质,作品逐渐挤占主流唱片市场份额,且在全球都拥有越来越多的歌迷。